Obj. ID: 88
Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts Piano Seller's Haggadah, Cairo, 1908
sub-set tree:
Passover Hagadah with Arabic translation in Hebrew script, also contains the Tree-Planting Benediction, Piyutim, Omer-Reaping and Song of Songs.
Paper, III+91+IV leaves. ca.205 x ca.170 mm. Text space with inner frame margins ca.165 x ca.140 mm.
Written in square and round modern script, in dark blue ink. Mainly 16-17 lines.
The Hagadah text is written in two columns:the right column for the Hebrew text, the left for the Arabic translation. The rest of the text, preceding and following the Hagadah text, is written in one column. Hagadah text is written in two columns.
Ruling by pencil, mainly 17-18 horizontal lines with an additional short line above the text column for the running title.
No pricking.
quires of 4 leaves each, except for I 4 (the 3rd front fly leaf is attached to the title page and to fols. 1 and 2), XVIII 6-1 (fol. 71 is a widow), XXI 3+1, XXIII 6 (fols. 88-90 are attached to the first three back fly leaves).
Catchwords at the lower left-hand corner of both sides of all pages. Hebrew alphabet numeration in the upper left-hand corner of the inner frame of all the rectos, starting on the 2nd leaf.
Numeration in Hebrew letters for the quires, at the lower margin of the first recto of each quire.
Back and front inner covers and fly leaves are printed paper of green and gold design.
Title page:
סדר/הגדה של פסח/עם פתרון בלשון בבלי/ציורים נאים... גם נוסף/בו ברכת האילנות, פיוטים,/קצירת העומר, שיר השירים./כתיבת וציור ידי הצעיר וזעיר בני דורו/ הצעיר בכור חאמי ס"ט./פה מצרים יע"א (ישמרה עליון אמן)/שנת אז תתענג על ה' והרכבתיך על/במתי ארץ והאכלתיך נחלת/ יעקב אביך לפ"ק