Obj. ID: 8345
  Memorials Holocaust Monument at the Killing Site in Dubroŭna (Dubrovno), Belarus, 1940s-1950s
Memorial name
No official name.
Who is commemorated?
1985 Jewish Holocaust victims from Dubroŭna (Dubrovno), killed in 1941-1942.
The monument is erected at the killing site/mass grave of the Dubroŭna (Dubrovno) Jews near the town's textile factory. It is shaped like an obelisk standing on a massive pedestal that, in turn, stands on a two-step podium.
The monument bears a Russian inscription. In the 1990s, marble plaques engraved with the names of more than 300 murdered Jews of Dubroŭna (Dubrovno) were fixed on the monument's pedestal.
The fence surrounds the monument.
On the obelisk:
In Russian
Здесь захоронены
советские граждане
погибшие от рук
фашистских палачей
Translation: Here lie / the Soviet civilians / who perished at the hands / of fascist tortures / 1941-1942.
On the obelisk's base:
In Russian
21.12.1941 г.
Translation: Nirman / A. E. / Stot to death / 21.12.1941.
On two plaques with names attached to the pedestal in the 1990s:
On the first plaque, in Russian:
Земля здесь стонет,
[The list of victims]
Translation: The earth here is moaning, moaning... / [The list of victims].
On the second plaque, in Russian:
Здесь расстреляно 1985 человек.
Имена остальных знает только Бог.
[The list of victims]
Translation: Here, 1,895 people were shot to death. / Only God knows the rest of their names./ [The list of victims].
Commissioned by
The victims' relatives.
sub-set tree: 
Dubroŭna (Dubrovno) was occupied by the Germans on July 16, 1941. However, only in the early fall was a ghetto established [The Map of Holocaust by Bullets: Yahad-In Unum].
The present monument commemorates the place of the execution that was conducted on December 6, 1941. The Dubroŭna (Dubrovno) Jews were rounded up in the ghetto and taken to the linen factory. According to the eyewitnesses of the shootings, the pits were dug on the sandy ground behind the factory by the Jews themselves. After this Aktion, about 300 Jews remained in the ghetto, mainly artisans and their families. They were shot in March 1942 over the course of several individual shootings [The Map of Holocaust by Bullets: Yahad-In Unum].
The memorialization began In 1947 (according to other sources, at the beginning of the 1950s), when at the initiative of a member of the local authority, a local Jew named Khasin, whose family had been murdered in the ghetto, the present monument to the Jewish victims was erected. In the mid-1990s Yury Nirman from St. Petersburg, who was born in Dubroŭna (Dubrovno) and whose father had been murdered by the Nazis, collected the names of the Jews who had been shot and organized the erection of marble plaques engraved with the names of more than 300 murdered Jews. Employees of the local linen factory take care of the monument [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories].
Today the monument is the place of the commemorating ceremonies.
Untold Stories - Murder Sites of Jews in Occupied Territories of the USSR (Yad Vashem project), https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/untold-stories/community/14621818-Dubrovno.
"Execution of Jews in Dubrovno,"
The Map of Holocaust by Bullets, Yahad-In Unum, http://www.yahadinunum.orgwww.yahadmap.org/en/#village/dubrovno-doubrowna-vitebsk-belarus.1821.