Obj. ID: 8035
Memorials Holocaust Memorial at the Common Jewish Grave in Bačko Gradište, Serbia, 1960s
Memorial Name
Common Grave and Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust
Who is Comemmorated?
The Jews of Bačko Gradište who were murdered in the Holocaust, and Jewish residents of the village whose remains have been exhumed and buried in this common grave.
The monument is a square upright stele on an elongated rectangular concrete base. On the front side of the stele is engraved the Magen David and the inscription stating that here lie remains of those exhumed and the names of those whose remains were transferred to the grave. On the backside of the stele is the Serbo-Croatian inscription commemorating the victims of fascism. The land on which the memorial tomb stands is now privately owned, which makes it difficult to access the site. The land is used as a vegetable garden
On the front (Serbo-Croatian)
Na ovom mestu sahranjeni su posmrtni ostaci
ekshumiranih sa Jevrejskog groblja u Bačkom Gradištu.
Translation: The remains of those exhumed from the Jewish cemetery in Bačko Gradište are buried in this place.
On the back (Serbo-Croatian)
U spomen žrtvama fašizma, 1941-1945
Translation: In memory to the victims of fascism 1941-1945
Comissioned by
sub-set tree:
| Corner of Streets Samu Mihály and Ognjena Price
Jews settled in Bačko Gradište in the late 18th century. At the end of the 19th century, 181 Jews lived in this village. There is data confirming that a Jewish cemetery and a prayer house were founded in the mid-19th century. The new synagogue was erected on Veliki Sokak (Great Street). There was also a school next to the building of the new synagogue, which at the beginning of the 20th century had 31 pupils. Only 6 Jews survived the Holocaust. The synagogue building was demolished in 1956. There is no memorial plaque on the site. The cemetery was nationalized in 1959 and subsequently destroyed.
We do not have precise information about when the remains were exhumed and this monument was erected, yet it was around the time of the nationalization of the cemetery.
There are no commemorations held at this site.
The land is in private hands and a family who resides at the site maintains the memorial.
"Memorials in Bačko Gradište," Locations (Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials Project), https://www.vhmproject.org/en-US/Locations/Memorials/5 (accessed June 11, 2023)
Weissenbeck, József. “A földvári zsidóság betűrendes helyesbítése és kiegészítése.” Bácsország: vajdasági honismereti szemle (2003), pp. 42-43.
Weissenbeck, József. “Százkilencvenegy földvári zsidó betűrendes jegyzéke.” Bácsország: vajdasági honismereti szemle (2002), pp. 17-20.