Obj. ID: 731
  Sacred and Ritual Hannukah lamp (19th century)
The back-walled Hanukah lamp is made of silver and consists of a row of eight oil containers, a back and side walls, and legs. A row of eight spouted pitcher-shaped oil containers is set in an unattached array on a straight bar. The bar is surrounded by a parapet with filigree decoration and rests on six curved legs. The arched back wall consists of open filigree. The filigree decoration bears in the center an arched opening with two doors flanked by two pillasters with square bases and capitals. There are two additional flanking columns with bases and capitals. A bird surmounts the arched opening and above it is a central rosette. On top of the back wall is a cast crown surrounded by filigree bands and flanked by two facing griffins.
The fixed triangular side walls are decorated in filigree with floral motifs. Indentical horizontal strips divide them into two parts. They are surmounted by a cast bird facing inward. A tree extends above the left side wall.
There is a hole through which to insert the Shamash on the left side of the back wall.
sub-set tree: 
B | Bird
F | Flower
S | Synagogue | Synagogue interior | Torah Ark
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two griffins
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two birds