Obj. ID: 7088
  Sacred and Ritual Torah Ark valance, 1911
The purple kaporet is made of silk velvet. It has a wavy lower border. The upper border is decorated with a foliate pattern. The center of the kaporet bears an inscription that reads:
רוחי אשר עליך ודברי אשר שמת'י בפיך לא ימושו מפ'יך ומפי זר'ע'ך ומפי זרע זרעך א'מר ה'
Translation: My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, said the Lord (based on Jesaia 59:21)
A dedicatory inscription embroidered in outline letters appears at the center of the lower border and reads:
ז"נ [=זאת נידב] / ר' אברהם / בן מרדכי יהודא ז'ל / שטריקער ני' [=נרו יאיר] / שנת ת'ר'ע'א' לפ'ק
Translation: This was donated(int.) by / R. Abraham / son of Mordechai Judah, of blessed memory (int.) / Striker, may his light shine (int.) / the year (5)671=(1911)"