Obj. ID: 669
  Sacred and Ritual Torah shield from Breslau,Germany, 1762, 1773
The Torah shield is rectangular and terminates with an arch. It consists of a plate and the decoration is arranged simmetricaly on both sides of a central axis. In the center it depicts the Tablets of the Covenant inscribed with the beginning of the commandments, five on each side.
The tables are flanked by the figurs of Aaron on right and of Moses on left (9614). The hands of the Priestly Benediction surmounted by a crown, mounte over the tables. Two foliate branches flank the hands, like a wreath.
Three protruding crowns are placed on the upper part of the shield. They are identical in pattern but the central crown is bigger and higher. Each crown hides a pattern of a conch that emerges from scrolls motife. Below the central crown is inscribed: "יהוה" "The Lord".
At the sides of the shield are two twisted columns supported by square bases and mounted by a capital of Akanthos leaves above which is a vase. A pattern of conch is hidden below the vases.
In the lower part of the shild are three cartouches that bear a dedicatory inscriptions in square fieled letters. Inscribed in six lines in the central and larger cartouche it is read: "ממונים אמונים על משמר##הבית מקדש מעט האלופי')ים(##הגבאי')ים( דבה"כ )דבית הכנסת( פה ברעסל)או( ה')אדון( ליפמן ב"ר מ'## וה')אדון( מיכאל ס' וה')אדון(ישראל מל' אשר הותירו במשמרתם" לקנות כלי הקדש הזה לפרט ויצף אתם זהב##לפק"" "Fathful in charge of the watch over the littl sanctuary, the Alufim, the Gabbaim of the synagogue here Breslau: Mr. Lifman son of Rabbi M. and Mr. Michael S. and Mr. Israel Ml., which left in their watch to buy this holy vessel, the year: 'and he overlaid them with gold' (1773)". (The last sentence is based on Kings I. chapter 6, which depicts the building of the first temple.)
The two elliptic smaller cartouches on eache side of the central inscription bear another inscription. Start on the right cartouche it is read: "לפרט ##וישב##יעקב##בארץ##מגורי##אביו##לפק" "The year: 'And Jacob dwelt in the land where his father lived' (1762)".
The shield is surrounded by two frames. The inner has a beaded pattern and the exterior frame has foliate pattern.
Online collection of the ritual objects from the E. Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute is available here: https://cbj.jhi.pl/documents/980628/0/
Online collection of the ritual objects from the E. Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute is available here: http://cbj.jhi.pl/collections/964689