Obj. ID: 667
  Sacred and Ritual Torah coronet, Izmir, 1918
The round coronet is divided into a base and an upper part. The convexed base is decorated with an oval medallion and a flower alternatly, framed by C scrolls. The base is topped by a smooth band bearing an inscription in square linear letters which reads around the coronet:
הקדש לק"ק )לקהל קדוש( אלגזי יב"ץ )יראו בנחמת ציון( לע"נ )לעילוי נשמת( מ"א )מורי אבי( החה"מ )החשוב המכובד( יצחק רוסו נ"ע )נוחו עדן( ובתו היקרה הנ )הנחמדה( הב )הבתולה( קש )קצרת שנים( מרת שרה מ"כ תשרי 8765
"Dedicated to the holy congregation Algazi may they witness the comfort of Zion for the exaltation of the soul of my teacher my father Isaac Russo may he rest in peace and his precious daughter the nice the virgin young Mrs. Sarah.... ....Tishrey 5678 (1918)"
The upper part depicts the Sanctuary Implements: the Tables of the Covenant (13427), the Menorah (13430), the priestly blessing (13432), funnel flowers, and a bouquet of flowers. Each motif is framed by foliate branches which emerge from a fleur des lys. The coronet has wavy edges.
A bar with holes for the staves is attached across the lower part of the coronet.
sub-set tree: 
Structure:hammered, cut
Decoration:chased, punched, engraved
Bondings:soldered, nailed