Obj. ID: 639
  Sacred and Ritual Torah shield of the Zovhei Zedek Society in Zhytomyr, 1848
The silver Torah shield is octagonal and consists of a plate and a chain. In the center, there is an ox, its front legs are crossed, the head is turned back and the mouth is open. The ox is standing on the ground. A tree is on the left. A dedication inscription surmounting the oax back is written in an undulating line that repeats the oax back and head form, in square linear letters, and reads:
"זה הציץ שייך להחבורה זובחי צדק דק"ק )דקהילת קדש( זיטאמיר לפרט תר"ח"
Translation: This shield belongs to the Righteous Sacrificers Society (Havurah Zovhei Tzedek (society of butchers)) of the Holy Community of Zhytomyr 1848"
Surmounting the inscription there is a cloud. The plate has a double frame. The inner one is decorated with a geometric motif and the exterior one with a foliate motif.