Obj. ID: 622
  Sacred and Ritual Torah case, Iraq, 1932
The cylindrical Torah^case consists of a body and a crown.
The body is covered with gilded silver sheeting decorated with rhomboid foliate cartouches, each of which contains a palm tree. Two cartouches at the bottom of the opening contain the Temple represented by the Dome of the Rock, with the inscription: שרה "Sarah".
The upper and lower edges are encircled by friezes bearing dedicatory inscriptions. The inscriptions begin on the upper edge and continue on the lower, in square filled letters which read clockwise from the front of the case:
תיק זה וס"ת)וספר תורה( שבו## עשתה## אותו האשה## שרה בת יחזקאל יוסף כצורי## מבת')מנשים באהל תברך( אשת ברוך יחזקאל,
"This case and the Torah scroll inside it were made by Sarah, daughter of Ezekiel Joseph Catsuri blessed shall she be above women in the tent (Judg. 5:24)(KJ), the wife of Barukh Ezekiel."
On the lower border the inscription continues:
על מנת בכל מקום שנירצו בעלי ס"ת)ספר תורה( להוצי)א( ולהניחוהו למקומות אחרים הרשות בידם ובך )ובאי כוחם(,
"The owners of this Torah and their attorneys are granted permission to remove it and place it wheresoever they shall desire."
The upper border of the body is surmounted by a lily-like crenelation which alternates with red beads. The case is fastened by two silver hook clasps. The onion-shaped crown consists of a main section, a crest and an apex. The main section is covered with vertical bands decorated with a pattern similar to that on the body, which alternate with gilded bands. The crest which surmounts the main section is decorated with vertical bands of a foliate pattern alternating with plain bands. A wide ring decorated with two horizontal bands decorated with a linear pattern, encircles the middle of the crest. Ten rings attached around the top of the crest, hold chains carrying slit, drop-shaped bells. The crest is surmounted by a bud-shaped apex. Two iron finial-mounts are affixed to the crown. The inner face is covered with bordeaux damask. Two gilded silver plaques bearing a dedicatory inscription are attached to the interior surface of the crown. The inscription on these two plaques is written in filled letters, on six lines. Beginning from the right plaque and continuing on the left, it reads:
תיק זה וספר תורה שבו עשתה אותו האשה שרה בת יחזקאל יוסף כצורי
"This case and the Torah scroll inside it were made by the woman Sarah the daughter of Ezekiel Joseph Catsuri".
אשת##המרו' ברוך##יחזקאל מבת')מנשים באהל תברך( ה'##יאריך ימיה##בטוב אכיר')אמן כן יהי רצון(##שנת התרצ"ב,
"The wife of the blessed Barukh Ezekiel blessed shall she be above women in the tent (Judg. 5:24). The Lord will prolong her days with good. Amen, may it be His will. The year 5692 (1932)."
The inscription is framed by a pointed arch, flanked by floral decoration. Below the inscription are two gilded silver strips with an inscription in filled letters which reads:
וזאת התורה אשר שם משה##לפני בני ישראל תורה צוה לנו )דב' ד:44,ל"ג:4(,
"And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel, (Moses) commanded us a law" (Based on Deut. 4:44;33:4).