Obj. ID: 56215
  Memorials Holocaust memorial in Volove near Bibrka, Ukraine
Memorial name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Bibrka who were murdered here
The monument is located at the killing site near the Volove village. It consists of two triangular slabs lying one on top of the other in the shape of a Magen David, with a third triangular slab standing atop of them. A plaque with a Magen David, along with Ukrainian and Hebrew inscriptions, is affixed to the third slab.
Памʼяті трьом тисячам
розстріляних фашистами
тут 15 квітня 1943 р.
Translation: To the memory of three thousand Jews shot to death here on April 15, 1943
זיכרונם לברכה
Translation: May their memory be blessed
Commissioned by
[To be determined]
sub-set tree:
On April 13, 1943, about 1,000 Jews from Bibrka were murdered near the village of Volove [Tsal Kaplun Foundation].
"Bibrka: Field near Bibrka,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u2363.html.
"Execution of the Bibrka Jews in Volove,"
The Map of Holocaust by Bullets, Yahad-In Unum, http://www.yahadinunum.orgwww.yahadmap.org/en/#village/volove-lviv-ukraine.333.
"Lviv Oblast: Identified Jewish Cemeteries,"
A Guide to Jewish Cemetery Preservation in Western Ukraine (Rohatyn Jewish Heritage), https://jewishheritageguide.net/en/cemeteries/lviv., https://jewishheritageguide.net/ (accessed November 28, 2024)