Obj. ID: 55463
  Memorials Holocaust Memorial Plaque at the Great Synagogue in Siret, Romania, 2016
To the main object: Great Synagogue in Siret, Romania
Name of Monument
No official name
What/Who is commemorated?
Jews deported from Siret to Transnistria
Two rectangular inscribed metal plaques are affixed to the exterior wall of the synagogue just to the left of the entrance into the vestibule (the main entrance to the synagogue used today). The Hebrew and Romanian inscriptions are on separate metal (stainless steel?) sheets, they are placed flush together to be seen and read as a single historical-memorial installation.
In Hebrew:
בתחילת שנת תש"ב הוגלו ממחוז בוקובינה 91,845 יהודים
בפקודת יון אנטונסקו. כתוצאה מהמדינייות האנטישמית של
,השלטון בבוקארסט, 2,000 יהודים מסערעט והכפרים מסביב
אנשים נשים וטף, הוגלו בתחילה לאולטניה, אחר כך הובאו
לראדאוץ וביום כ"ג תשרי תש"ב נשלחו בכוח לטראנסניסטריה.
רבים מהם נרצחו או מתו במגפות, בקור וברעב. יהי רצון
שזכרון הטרגדיה הזאת ישאר חי כאזהרה לדורות הבאים
הפדרציה של הקהילות היהודייות ברומניה
"המכון הלאומי לחקר השואה ברומניה "אלי ויזל
תשרי תשע"ז
Translation: At the beginning of the year 5702 [=1941/42], 91,845 Jews were deported from the Bucovina district by order of Ion Antonescu. As a result of the anti-Semitic policy of the government in Bucharest, 2,000 Jews from Siret and the surrounding villages - men women, and children - were initially deported to Oltania, then brought to Radautz and on 23 Tishrei 5702 [=October 14, 1941] forcibly sent to Transnistria. Many of them were murdered or died in plagues, cold, and hunger. May the memory of this tragedy remain alive as a warning to future generations. / The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, The National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania "Elie Wiesel" / Tishrei 5777 [=October 2016]
The same text, in Romanian:
În toamna anului 1941, au fost deportați din Bucovina 91.845
de evrei, din ordinul lui lon Antonescu. Ca urmare a politicii
antisemi a regimului de la Bucureşti, 2,000 de evrei
din Siret şi din satele din împrejurimi, bărbaţi, femei şi copii
au fost deportați iniţial în Oltenia, apoi duşi la Rădăuţi,
iar în ziua de 14 octombrie 1941 au fost trimişi forţat în Transnistria.
Mulţi dintre ei au murit acolo executați, din cauza epidemiilor,
de frig sau de foame. Fie ca memoria acestei tragedii să rămână vie
ca un avertisment pentru generațiile viitoare.
Federația Comunităților Evreieşti din România-Cultul Mozaic
Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel"
octombrie 2016
Translation: At the beginning of 1941, 91,845 Jews were deported from the Bucovina district by order of Ion Antonescu. As a result of the anti-Semitic policy of the government in Bucharest, 2,000 Jews from Siret and the surrounding villages, women and children, were initially deported to Oltania, then brought to Radautz and on October 14, 1941, forcibly sent to Transnistria. Many of them were murdered or died in plagues, cold, and hunger. May the memory of this tragedy remain alive as a warning to future generations. / The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, The National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania "Elie Wiesel" / October 2016
Commissioned by
The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania
Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania
(Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel")
sub-set tree:
The plaque is one of a series of similar historical and memorial plaques affixed to former and active Jewish synagogues and other sites of deportation in Romania, part of a program of the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania
(Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel")