Obj. ID: 55379
  Sacred and Ritual Mizrah, Eretz Israel, circa 1935
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
Printing in the Holy Land began only in 1841, but by the end of the century there were several printing houses and a large quantity of printed books and single sheets to serve a variety of purposes. A great many of these printed items were decorated by vignettes of holy places. This single sheet, a Mizrach printed on ruled paper for use in the Succah, is typical of many of the items prepared in Jerusalem. They were often sent abroad as souvenirs or fundraising devices by the many Jewish self-help and charity organizations operating in the Holy Land.
Mizrah (Hebrew: מזרח "east") is the Hebrew word for "east" and the direction that Jews in the Diaspora face during prayer. Jewish law prescribes that Jews at prayer face the site of the Temple in Jerusalem. In addition, "Mizrach" refers to an ornamental wall plaque used to indicate the direction of prayer in Jewish homes. In a synagogue, that direction would be obvious as it is the side of the building on which the ark was placed. But in a home or Sukkah the direction had to be indicated. It is customary in traditional Jewish homes and the Sukkah to mark the wall in the direction of Mizrach to facilitate proper prayer.
The page bears the stamp of "B. (S.?) Schulmann, Rabbiner, Tiberias Palastina, Heiligen Landen".
Signed Rabbi: Rabbi Schulmann
sub-set tree: 
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Absalom's Tomb
T | Temple Mount
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Holy Tombs | Cave of Machpelah (Tomb of the Patriarchs/Matriarchs)
M | Menorah
C | Crown
O | Ornamentation: | Ornament
C | Columns
M | Menorah | Stepping Stone of the Menorah (Kevesh)
S | Sanctuary | Sanctuary Implements | Oil Jar
M | Menorah | Psalm shaped as Menorah | Menorah with Psalm 67
J | Jerusalem | Sites in Jerusalem: | Western Wall (Kotel) הכותל המערבי
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Cities | The Four Holy Cities | Safed צפת
J | Jerusalem | Sites in Jerusalem: | Midrash Shlomo
H | Holy and other places in the Land of Israel | Cities | Jaffa (Jaffo) יפו
J | Jerusalem | Sites in Jerusalem: | Tower of David מגדל דוד