Obj. ID: 55315
  Memorials Memorial in the Jewish cemetery in Dobromyl, Ukraine
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Dobromyl, Ukraine
Official Name
in Ukrainian: Стіна пам'яті
Translation: Wall of Memory
Who/What is Commemorated?
Jewish cemetery destroyed during the Holocaust
The memorial is located in the Jewish cemetery in Dobromyl.
It consists of tombstones and their fragments used to pave roads during WWII.
in Ukrainian:
Цю частину цвинтаря відбудовано в памʼять єврейської громади м. Добромиля, яку знищили під час Голокосту 41-45 років. Відбудували родини: I.Fuchs, I.Fersztein, E.Bakalus, F.Kogan, A.Lyanski, L.Levental, N.Mezhburd, D.Ratner, M.Rubinfeld, F.Peysakhov, K.Shmeruk, P.Peysakhov, O.Sinelnikov, S.Tzynis, A.Kurzweil
Commissioned by
Dobromyl heritage activist Liubomyr Yatsynych,
former Jewish residents of Dobromyl in the US,
Sholom Aleichem Society of Jewish Culture in Lviv.
sub-set tree: 
In 2016, some gravestones were found near the house 7, Miskevich Street. They were used to build a memorial wall on the cemetery site.