Obj. ID: 550
Sacred and Ritual Objects Torah crown of Hevra Kadisha (Galicia, 1792)
The two leveled silver Torah crown consists of a main part, a crest and an apex.
The lower level as the main part, has a coronet like base, composed of a circumferal band surmounted by four decorative bands. There are two bands with geometric motifs that are seperated from each other by two narrow bands with foliate motifs.
The bottom band bears a dedicatory inscription in square letters which reads: זאת נדבו החבור' (החבורה) קודש ג"ח (גמילות חסד) של אמת שנת תקנ'ב לפ'ק (לפרט קטן) ("This was donated by the holy society of true virtue [burial society] the year (5)552 [1792]").
The top of the coronet is decorated with palmettes and scrolls from which emerge six arms. The arms widen in the center and are decorated with a floral scroll emerging frm a vase. The main part is surmounted by an undulating shaped crest with a serated base decorated with flowers.
The top part is composed of a compressed globe decorated with flowers as well. The crest is topped by a floral circlet and surmounted by a foliate apex.