Obj. ID: 54123
  Memorials Holocaust Memorial in the Jewish Cemetery in Gostiņi, Latvia, 2006
To the main object: Jewish Cemetery in Gostiņi, Latvia
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish teenagers from Gostiņi murdered in the cemetery in the autumn of 1941.
The monument is placed in the Jewish cemetery of Gostiņi, which is situated in a forest.
The monument is a low rock, to which a black granite plaque with an inscription is affixed.
A small metal plaque is affixed to the right side of the rock.
On the granite plaque:
Šeit 1941.gada rudenī nacisti nogalināja
četrpadsmit Gostiņu ebreju bērnus
Latvijas Ebreju draudžu un kopienu padome
Translation: Here in the autumn of 1941 Nazis killed fourteen Jewish children of Gostiņi. [Hebrew:] May their souls be bound in the bundle of life. The Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia.
On the metal plaque:
Šī piemiņas vieta ierīkota ar
Eiropas Savienības
un Latvijas valsts
finansiālo atbalstu
Sabiedribas Integracijas Fonds
Translation: This memorial was built with the financial support of the European Union and the State of Latvia. Society Integration Fund.
Commissioned by
The Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia; Society Integration Fund.
sub-set tree:
The arrests of Jews in Gostiņi started at the beginning of July 1941. All 300 arrested Jews were placed in a provisional ghetto – in a block in the area of Lielā Street next to the bridge across the Aiviekste River, from where a part of those Jews, who were capable of working, were taken to work in rural farms or to Pļaviņas. On August 1, 1941, all Jews were convoyed to the Kaķīši Forest and shot there.
Jewish teenagers, who in the summer of 1941 had been taken from the ghetto to work as cattle herds on farms, were shot on the edge of the Gostiņi Jewish Cemetery in the autumn of 1941. Their remains were discovered only in 2005, when restoration work was done in the Cemetery.
In 2006, the Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia established a monument on this site, with the financial support of the Society Integration Fund of the European Union and the State of Latvia.
"Holocaust Memorial Places in Latvia," a website by the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia, http://memorialplaces.lu.lv/memorial-places/vidzeme/plavinas-municipality-gostini/.
Meler, Meyer, Mesta nashei pamiati: Evreiskie obshchiny Latvii, unichtozhennye v Kholokoste (Riga: by the author, 2010), p. 119.