Obj. ID: 54043
Memorials Memorial at the Killing Site near the Barki Cemetery in Kaunata, Latvia, 2007
Memorial Name
Memorial at the Barki Cemetery in Kaunata
Who is Commemorated?
Jews of Kaunata killed on this site.
A low rock of grey granite of irregular form is situated across the road from the Barki cemetery.
It bears a Latvian inscription and two Stars of David.
Nacisma upuriem –
1941.g. augusta sākumā
nogalinātieni Kaunatas
un apkārtnes ebrejiem
Latvijas Ebreju draudžu un kopienu padome
Translation: For the victims of Nazism - Jews from Kaunata and its vicinity murdered at the beginning of August 1941. [Hebrew:] May their souls be bound in the bundle of life. The Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia.
Commissioned by
The Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia
sub-set tree:
After the occupation of Kaunata at the end of July 1941, about 100 Jews were shot by Latvian "self defenders" at two sites: near the Barki cemetery and the Rāzna Lake.
The monument was erected by the Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia in 2007.
"Holocaust Memorial Places in Latvia," a website by the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia, http://memorialplaces.lu.lv/memorial-places/latgale/rezekne-municipality-barki-cemetery/.
Meler, Meyer, Mesta nashei pamiati: Evreiskie obshchiny Latvii, unichtozhennye v Kholokoste (Riga: by the author, 2010), pp. 197-200.