Obj. ID: 53771
Memorials Thanksgiving Monument in Sretenka, Kyrgyztan, 2016
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
The Kyrgyz people who helped Jewish refugees during WWII.
The monument is situated in the cemetery of the WWII period known as Esther Hill.
It is a large rock placed on a paved plaza. A granite plaque with a gratitude inscription in Russian with words of thanks in Kyrgyz and Hebrew is affixed in the center of the rock.
In Russian:
С глубокой благодарностью
кыргызскому народу, в годы Великой
Отечественной войны приютившему
еврейских беженцев из европейских
районов СССР, проживавших
совместно в дружбе и взаимопомощи
Translation: With deep gratitude to the Kyrgyz people, who during the Great Patriotic War sheltered Jewish refugees from the European regions of the USSR, who lived together in friendship and mutual assistance.
In Kyrgyz:
Чоӊ рахмат, достор!
Translation: Thank you very much, friends!
In Hebrew:
תודה רבה, חברים!
Translation: Thank you very much, friends!
Commissioned by
Robert Singer, The Jewish Community of Bishkek.
sub-set tree:
The monument was initiated by Robert Singer, whose family spent the war years in Sretenka.
Inaugurated in 2016.
המוסלמים מקירגיזסטן שהצילו רבבות יהודים בשואה (ynet.co.il)