Obj. ID: 53411
Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts Sefer Kabbalah Ma'asiyot, Ukraine, 1805
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
While there are many books listing various amulets and their purposes, these manuscripts are far more numerous among Sephardic and Mizrachi Jews than among Ashkenazim. Additionally, the majority are neither talented scribes nor are they well-organized. This example is one of the most beautifully written and organized Ashkenazi books of amulets recorded. In it is much original material that does not seem to appear in other places. Not only are the amulets described, but as well is presented in many cases the steps needed for their preparation. The writing is exceptionally clear and the illustration of many amulets is graphically aesthetic. One of the most exceptional amulets is one for birth illustrated by an angel wielding a sword.