Obj. ID: 52676
  Sacred and Ritual Amud 2 from the Beit Tshuva Synagogue in Birobidzhan
The Amud has a hand-drawn similar shiviti plaque. The central motif of the plaque in the menorah is inscribed with Psalm 67 – a very common pattern in Shiviti plaques.
All the inscriptions are placed inside a painted frame, which was copied from the title page of the Vilna Talmud that also served as the source for two lions on the Torah ark. In the lower part of the plaques appears the date תשיז – 1957.
The menorah is surrounded by additional texts appropriate for such plaques:
- the inscription מזרח (East), as pointing to the direction of prayer;
- the verse דע לפני מי אתה עומד לפני ממ"ה הקב"ה (Know in front of Whom you stand – King of the Kings of Kings, Holy One blessed be He);
- and שויתי יהיה לנגדי תמיד (I have set the Lord always before me, Ps. 16:8).
Additional inscriptions include the 42-letter Divine name, a verse תמים תהיה עם ה' אלהיך (You shall be perfect with the Lord your God, Deut. 18:13), and many verses presented in an abbreviated form, for example,
- פאי (You open your hand, Ps. 145:16),
- חתך (the same verse written with its final letters),
- לקי (I have waited for your salvation, O Lord, Gen. 49:18),
- לסי (the same verse in Aramaic translation), etc.