Obj. ID: 52538
Memorials Holocaust memorial in Zboriv, Ukraine, 1991
Memorial Name
Пам’ятник євреям, розстріляним у гетто
Translation: Monument to Jews, shot in ghetto
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Victims of the Holocaust in Zboriv, who were murdered on July 7, 1941
The monument is located on the killing site near Bazarna Street. It is a wall on a hill. A few steps lead to an arch and an upright stele with Yiddish dedication and English name of the donor. The stele is located in the center of the hill in a recess in the wall. Black plaques with English and Ukrainian inscriptions are located on the left and the right parts of the wall respectively.
On the left plaque (English):
To the eternal
memory of the
first Jews that
perished for
the sanctification
of God's name
under the cruelty
of the German
Nazi murderers
July 7 1941 – 9 Tamuz 5701
in our city of Zborov
They will never be forgotten
Presented by
Zeiger family
On the upright stele in the center
Yiddish and Hebrew:
צום אייביקען אנדענק
ערשטע וואס זיינען
לע [על] קידוש השם לכבוד
אכזריותדיקע אומגעקומען
ימח שמם אונטער יד
דייטשע נאצישע רוצחים
ט‘ תמוז תש“א
זבאראוו יולי 07.07.1941
אין זייער שטאט
ת‘נ‘צ‘ב‘ה‘ [תהי נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים]
Translation: Dedication / to the eternal memory of the first [Jews], who atrociously perished for the sanctification of God / under the hands of the German Nazi murderers, May their names be obliterated, on 9 Tammuz 5701, 07.07.1941, in their city of Zborov / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life
The Yiddish text has incorrect word order. Translating the inscription into English, we attempted to reconstruct the initial intentions of the authors.
Presented by
Zeiger family
On the right plaque (Ukrainin):
вічній памʼяті
перших євреїв
які загинули
від жорстокості
фашистських вбивць
во славу Господа Бога
7 липня 1941 – 9 тамуза 5701
в нашому місті Зборові
Вони ніколи
не будуть забутими
Споруджено за кошти
родини Зейгер
Translation: Dedicated to the eternal memory of the first Jews, which perished from the cruelty of the fascist murderers in the glory to the Lord God on July 7, 1941 – Tamuz 5701 in our city of Zboriv / They never will be frogotten / erected on the means of the Zeiher family USA
Commissioned by
Zeiger Family from the USA, which is the family of Holocaust Survivor
sub-set tree:
According to Tsal Kaplun Foundation, about 830 Jews were shot near the Bazarna Street in Zboriv on July 3, 1941.
The erection of the monument was financed by the family of the Holocaust Survivor in 1991 ["Ternopilska oblast..."].
Department of the Culture of the Ternopil Regional State Administration included the monument in The List of the Recently Discovered Objects of History, Which Suggested for Inclusion in the List of the Monuments of Cultural Heritage of the National or Local Significance by its order no. 16 on January 27, 2010 (protected number 3173) ["Ternopilska oblast..."].
In 2018, there was information in a Ukrainian media about the abandoned and littered state of the monument on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day [Teren].
"Na Ternopilshchyni istorychnyi pamiatnyk peretvoryly v hromadskyi tualet (photo)," Teren, January 29, 2018, https://teren.in.ua/news/na-ternopilshhyni-istorychnyj-pam-yatnyk-peretvoryly-v-gromadskyj-tualet-foto_131612.html (accessed November 18, 2023)
"Ternopil Oblast: Identified Jewish Cemeteries," A Guide to Jewish Cemetery Preservation in Western Ukraine (Rohatyn Jewish Heritage), https://jewishheritageguide.net/en/cemeteries/ternopil (accessed June 25, 2024)
"Ternopilska oblast. Skhema planuvannia terytorii (prodovzhennia roboty). Okhorona nerukhomykh obiektiv kulturnoi spadshchyny", vol. 3 (Kyiv: Derzhavne pidpryiemstvo "Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi naukovo-doslidnyi instytut proiektuvannia mist "Dipromisto" imeni Y.M. Bilokonia", 2017), p. 344., https://architecture.te.gov.ua/media/uploads/сп__тернопільська_область_том_iiі.pdf (accessed April 25, 2023)
"Zborov: Bazarna Street,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u1339.html.