Obj. ID: 51061
  Memorials Gratitude Monument to the Danish people in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1975
Memorial Name
No oficcial name
Who is Commemorated?
Danish people who helped Jews during the Holocaust.
A reddish rock of uneven form with a hole in its right side is situated in Israels Plads (Israel Square). It bears an inscription in Hebrew on its front side. The translation of the inscription into Danish appears on kerbsides of the monument. The inscription states that the stone from the Holy Land was presented to the Danish people by Denmark's friends in Israel and contains a verse from the Book of Genesis, which is also part of the blessing of Sabbath.
אבן זו
מארץ הקודש
הובאה כמתנה
לעם הדני
בשם ידידי
דנמרק בישראל
ויהי ערב
ויהיה בוקר
Translation: This stone / from the Holy Land / was brought here as a present / to the Danish people / in the name of the friends / of Denmark in Israel / 1975
And there was evening / and there was morning [Gen. 1:13]
Danish, at the front kerbside:
Denne sten fra det Hellige Land
er en gave til det danske folk
fra Danmarks venner i Israel 1975
Translation: This stone from the Holy Land is a gift to the Danish people from Denmark's friends in Israel 1975
Danish, at the right kerbside:
Og det blev aften
Og det blev morgen
Translation: And there was evening / and there was morning [Gen. 1:13]
Commissioned by
Denmark's friends in Israel
sub-set tree: 
Height of the rock about 180 cm
Width of the rock about 170 cm
The monument was unveiled in 1975.
In July 2023, the monument was desecrated - painted over with blood-red hands (Rød maling)
"Rød maling hældt over jødisk mindesmærke – politiker vil have mere overvågning," Kosmopol, July 6, 2023, https://www.tv2kosmopol.dk/koebenhavn/roed-maling-haeldt-over-joedisk-mindesmaerke-politiker-vil-have-mere-overvaagning (accessed September 2, 2023)