Obj. ID: 50867
  Memorials The Righteous Among the Nations Alley in Šķēde, Liepāja, Latvia, 2005
To the main object: Menora Memorial in Šķēde, Liepāja, Latvia, 2005
Official name
The Righteous Among the Nations Alley; Taisnīgo strap tautām Alejas
Who is commemorated?
Liepāja's Righteous Among the Nations.
The alley leads from the parking lot to the Menorah Memorial (see here). It starts with two horizontal trapezoid granite steles. On their front side, there are a dedicatory inscription in Latvian, English, and Russian, a quote from the Mishna, "Those who save one life, save the whole world" (Sanhedrin chapter 4, mishna 5), in Hebrew, Latvian, English, and Russian, and the depiction of the reverse and obverse of the medal of the Righteous Among the Nations. On their back side appear the names of the Righteous and the names of donors.
The alley consists of 27 low concrete pillars, each bearing the name of a Righteous Among the Nations. A cypress is planted behind each pillar.
The northern stele, on the front:
Mūžīga piemiņa un dziļa cieņa visiem cēlsirdīgajiem cilvēkiem – ebreju glabējiem
Translation: Eternal memory and deep respect to all noble-hearted people - the saviors of the Jews.
Deepest respect and eternal memorial of all the courageous people – rescuers of Jews
Вечная память и глубокое уважение всем бесстрашным людям спасавшим евреев во время Холокоста
Translation: Eternal memory and deep respect to all fearless people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.
The southern stele, on the front:
כל המקיים נפש אחת, כאילו קיים עולם מלא (משנה, מסכת סנהדרין)
(37,71 סנהדרין)
Katrs, kuršv izglābj vienu dzīvību, izglābj visu pasauli
(Sinedrions 37,71)
Those who save one life, save the whole world
(Sinedrion 37,71)
Тот, кто спасает одну жизнь, спасает целый мир
(Синедрион 37,71)
The northern stele, on the back:
Šie varonīgie cilvēki pasniedza palīdzīgu roku uz nāvi
nolemtajiem Liepājas ebrejiem.
Translation: These heroic people gave a helping hand to the Jews of Liepāja who were condemned to death.
The helping hand of those courageous people protected
doomed to death Liepaja Jews.
Эти мужественные люди протянули руку помощи
обреченным на смерть евреям Лиепаи.
Translation: Those courageous people gave a helping hand to the Jews of Liepāja who were condemned to death.
[List of 17 names that do not appear on the piers along the alley]
The southern stele, on the back:
“Taisnīgo strap tautām” Alejas izveidošanu atbalstīja:
“The Righteous Among the Nations Alley” was supported by:
«Аллеа праведников народов мира» создана при поддержке:
[List of 13 names of donors]
Commissioned by
The Liepaja Jewish Heritage Foundation.
sub-set tree: 
The alley was created in 2005 in conjunction with the Menora Memorial. The plaques at the entrance were installed in 2006 by Edward Anders and Vladimirs Bāns.