Obj. ID: 50296
Memorials Memorial Plaque on the Internment Camp for the Jews in Zrenjanin, Serbia, 1961
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Comemmorated?
The 1278 Jews from Zrenjanin deported to camps in 1941
A white marble plaque is mounted on a wall of a building of the former army barracks that served as an internment camp for the Jews of Zrenjanin in 1941. Today the building houses a high school of agriculture. The plaque features the five-pointed star above an inscription in Serbo-Croatian.
U prvim danima okupacije u ovoj zgradi se nalazio
privremeni logor kroz koji je prošlo 1278
zrenjaninskih Jevreja. Odavde ih je neprijatelj
transportovao u logore smrti. Rat je preživelo
svega trideset i osam Jevreja iz našega grada.
Odbor za proslavu 20-godišnjice
ustanka – Zrenjanin.
2. oktobar 1961.
Translation: In the first days of the occupation, this building housed a temporary camp through which 1,278 Zrenjanin Jews were transferred. From here, the enemy transported them to the death camps. Only thirty-eight Jews from our town survived the war. / Committee for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the uprising - Zrenjanin. / October 2, 1961
Commissioned by
The Municipal Board of the Union of Veterans of Zrenjanin
sub-set tree:
The memorial plaque commemorating the Zrenjanin Jews was unveiled on October 2, 1961, at the site of the former army barracks (today the High School of Agriculture). In this building, Jews from Zrenjanin were detained in the early summer of 1941. They were held there until August 11, 1941, when they were deported to Belgrade, men to the Topovske šupe concentration camp and women and children, a few months later, to the Sajmište camp.
The Committee Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Uprising - Zrenjanin- dedicated the memorial plaque. Annual commemoration ceremonies have been held on the site on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day-January 27.
"Memorials in Zrenjanin," Locations (Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials Project), https://www.vhmproject.org/en-US/Locations/Memorials/27 (accessed July 2, 2023)
Subić, Petar, Spomen-ploče u gradu Zrenjaninu, (Zrenjanin: Art-Projekt, 2013)