Obj. ID: 50284
  Memorials Holocaust Memorial at the mass grave in the Jewish Cemetery in Zemun, Serbia, 1957
To the main object: Jewish Cemetery in Zemun, Serbia
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Victims of Fascist Terror from 1941-1945
This memorial consists of a vertical white stele with a stepped top, placed on a stepped pedestal, with white stone receptacles on its sides ( possibly for flowers or candles). It bears an inscription in Serbo-Croatian.
Main Inscription (Serbo-Croatian)
фашистичког терора
Translation: To victims of fascist terror 1941-1945
Inscription at the bottom of the pedestal (Serbo-Croatian)
Савез бoраца НОР Земун
Translation: Union of Fighters of the People's Liberation War Zemun
Comissioned by
The Municipal Board of the Union of Veterans of Zemun
sub-set tree: 
The monument was unveiled in the valley of the Jewish cemetery, on July 4, 1957. The Federation of War Veterans of Zemun initiated the erection of the memorial. The Yugoslav State Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by the Occupiers and their Collaborators formed the Survey Commission for the Investigation of Crimes at the Staro Sajmište Camp shortly after the liberation of Zemun at the end of 1944. This commission executed the exhumation of the victims of this camp buried in the Jewish cemetery in Zemun and in Bežanijska Kosa (Belanović's pitch). A total of 6,500 victims were found in 23 mass graves in the Jewish Cemetery. The monument was erected where the largest mass grave was found. The memorial is a symbolic grave of 12,500 victims of the Staro Sajmište camp.
"Memorials in Zemun," Locations (Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials Project), https://www.vhmproject.org/en-US/Locations/Memorials/26 (accessed July 2, 2023)
Ungar, Olga, "Remembering the Victims: Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials," in Jewish Literatures and Cultures in Southeastern Europe: Experiences, Positions, Memories (=Schriften des Centrums für jüdische Studien, vol. 37) eds Renate Hansen-Kokoruš and Olaf Terpitz, pp. 217-236.
“Jevrejski logor na beogradskom Sajmištu: istorija i sećanje,” Sećanje na Sajmište posle Drugog svetskog rata - Jevrejski logor na Beogradskom sajmištu - Otvoreni univerzitet, https://www.open.ac.uk/socialsciences/seml (accessed July 2, 2023)
“Semlin Judenlager in Serbian Public Memory,” Semlin Judenlager, http://www.semlin.info/ (accessed July 2, 2023)
“Život posle smrti: Jevrejsko groblje Zemun,” Jevrejsko groblje Zemun, http://joz.rs/grobljeweb/index.html (accessed July 2, 2023)