Obj. ID: 50135
  Memorials The Ballad of the Hanged Holocaust Memorial in Subotica, Serbia, 1967
Memorial Name
The Ballad of the Hanged
Who is Comemmorated?
Fifteen revolutionaries hanged by the Hungarian occupation authorities on November 18, 1941
(their names are listed in the Inscriptions section)
This memorial consists of a bronze sculpture depicting lifeless bodies hanging on the gallows standing on a bronze base, and a bronze plaque mounted on a stone pedestal engraved with commemorative inscriptions in Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian and the names of the revolutionaries.
At the top of the plaque
Na ovom mestu su 18. novembra 1941. godine rukom
fašističkog okupatora obešeni članovi Komunističke partije i
Saveza komunističke omladine Jugoslavije.
Translation: In this place, on November 18, 1941, members of the Communist Party and the Yugoslav Communist Youth League were hanged by the hands of the fascist occupier.
A fasiszta megszállók ezen a helyen végeztek ki 1941
november 18-án a jugoszláv kommunista párt és a jugoszláv
kommunista ifjúsagi szövetség tagjait.
Subotica polgárai.
Translation: On November 18, 1941, the fascist invaders executed the members of the Yugoslav Communist Party and the Yugoslav Communist Youth League in this place. / Citizens of Subotica.
Center of the plaque (the names of the revolutionaries)
Bačić Lazar, Meier Dr Kalman, Suturović Antun,
Gerson Miklós, Meier Miklós, Simokovics Rókus,
Kornstein Ödön, Mayer Otmar, Schwalb Miklós,
Lackenbach Konstantin, Perl Gellért, Tikvicki Šime,
Lukács István, Singer Dr Adolf, Wohl Lola.
Bottom of the plaque
I u grču svirepe smrti odole svest smelih.
Translation: Even in the spasm of cruel death, the consciousness of the brave resisted.
A kegyetlen halál görcsének is ellenáll a bátrak öntudata.
Translation: Even the spasms of cruel death are resisted by the self-awareness of the brave.
18. Novembar 1967 Građani Subotice
Translation: November 18, 1967 / Citizens of Subotica.
Commissioned by
The Federation of Veterans Associations of the People's Liberation War, Subotica
sub-set tree:
Length: 0.94 meters
Width: 0.84 meters
The monument was unveiled on 18 November 1967. It is located on the site where army barracks stood during World War II, in front of which on November 18, 1941, fifteen revolutionaries from Subotica were hanged. Among them were ten Jews: Dr Adolf Singer, Gellért Perl, Kálmán Meier, Ödön Kornstein, Konstantin Lackenbach, Laura Wohl, Miklós Gerson, Miklós Meier, Miklós Schwalb, and Ottmár Mayer.
This work was personally important for the sculptor, Nandor Glid, because among the hanged were his friends; members of the Zionist organization "Thelet Lavan".
The title of the work is inspired by the French poet François Villon’s 'Ballad of the Hanged Men'.
The erection of the monument was initiated by the Union of Associations of Veterans of People's Liberation War, and it is maintained by
The Municipality of Subotica.
Commemoration ceremonies have been held on this site on the anniversary of the unveiling of the monument.
Bašaragin, Margareta, Antifašistkinje Subotice: skojevke, partizanke i afežeovke. (Novi Sad: Futura, 2021)
Duranci, Bela and Vera Gabrić Počuča, Javni spomenici opštine Subotica, (Subotica: Međuopštinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, 2001)
"Memorials in Subotica,” Locations (Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials Project), https://www.vhmproject.org/en-US/Locations/Memorials/22 (accessed June 28, 2023)
Subotić, Irina, Nandor Glid (Belgrade: Fondacija Vujičić koleccija, 2012).