Obj. ID: 49895
Memorials Holocaust memorial near the Temple in Stockerau, Austria, 1970s(?)
To the main object: Temple in Stockerau, Austria
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Former synagogue in Stockerau.
The memorial is a rock of irregular form, standing at the entrance to the former synagogue that is now a Lutheran church.
Dieses Gotteshaus
erinnert an die
furchtbare Geschichte
der gezielten
Vernichtung der Juden
1903 als Synagoge erbaut
1938 unter der
Unrechtsherrschaft des
Nationalsozialismus enteignet
zur evangelischen Kirche umgebaut
1953 durch die evangelische
Pfarrgemeinde von der
Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde
rechtmässig erworben
Der gemeinsame Glaube
an den einen Gott
verbindet Juden und Christen
Translation: This place of worship commemorates the terrible history of the targeted extermination of the Jews. Built in 1903 as a synagogue, expropriated in 1938 under the unjust rule of National Socialism, and converted into a Lutheran church. Legally acquired in 1953 by the Lutheran parish from the Israelite Community. The common belief in one God unites Jews and Christians.
Commissioned by
The Lutheran community worshipping in the former synagogue.