Obj. ID: 49802
  Illuminated Manuscripts Kabbalistic Tree, Paris, 1629
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
This is a chart showing the structure of the Divine Emanation, an early representation of the Sephirot according to the thoughts of a Jewish scholar who converted to Christianity. He was called Philippe d'Aquin (Mordechai Crescas of Carpentras, before his conversion).
In the center of the drawing is the diagram of the Sephirot and between them the symbols of the Sanctuary: eight flying Cherubim, the tablets of the Decalogue, the Menorah (candelabrum), the Table of the Shewbread and the altars.
Above the Sephirah "Keter" is a circle without visible connection with the Sephirot below, representing "Ein Sof" - Infinity, with the mystic fountain within. Around the Sephirot are four trees from an orchard: Grape vine, apple, palm and olive. Beside the fruit drawings are letter combinations of Kabbalistic divine names. Among the leaves of the apple and the olive trees are symbols of the Zodiac and the seven planets. The whole drawing illustrates the order necessary for the dwelling of the "Shekinah" - the Divine Presence - on earth.
There is a later illustrated document from 1675 in the Etz Chaim Library in Amsterdam that is clearly based on this earlier piece, with a warning that the conception is that of an apostate, but without the Christian symbol. This later version does not contain the Latin words, only the Hebrew.
sub-set tree: 
H | Heraldic composition | Central element | Tablets of the Law (central element of heraldic composition)
M | Menorah
P | Palm
G | Grapes
B | Bird
T | Tree | Olive
O | Ornamentation: | Main text framed
A | Angel
E | Eden, Garden of | Tree of Life
S | Sanctuary | Sanctuary Implements | Altar
K | Kabbalistic diagram | Sefirot Tree
Z | Zodiac Signs
A | Apple
O | Ornamentation: | Cherub-head