Obj. ID: 4917
  Sacred and Ritual Torah crown, 19th c.
The coronet is made of silver and consists of a base and a wreath.
The base is round and it has two friezes. The lower one is decorated with branches of fruits and with cartouches surrounded by volutes. The upper one bears a dedicatory inscription.
The wreath is round. It bears some rows of a symmetrical foliate pattern alternate to others bearing a central cartouche mounted over an upside down palmette and surrounded by volutes. The upper border bears a narrow band decorated with a floral pattern.
A dotted weavy wire is attached to the coronet upper edge. A dedicatory inscription appears in outline letters and reads:
הרופא ר' יצחק לוצאטו מתנדב בעד הכבודה אמו מר"ת אסתר כך שתזכר עם שאר צדיקים וצדקניות שב"געא [שבגן עדן] אמן א"כיר [אמן כן יהי רצון]
"The doctor Rabbi Isaac Luzzatto dedicates for his honourable mother Mrs Ester, so she would remembered among the other righteous men and women, in the garden of Eden, may it be his will in peace."