Obj. ID: 47862
Memorials Memorial fence in Zhuravnyky, Ukraine, 2006
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Zhuravnyky, Ukraine
Memorial name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jews of Drużkopol (now Zhuravnyky), perished in the Holocaust
The monument is located in the Jewish cemetery in Zhuravnyky. It is a metal fence, decorated by stars of David. The fence has an arched gate, topped by a Magen David, locked by a wooden barrier. A plaque with identical English, Ukrainian, and Hebrew inscriptions and the names of people and organizations in English is attached to the fence.
In June of 2006, Gary Gershfield, a descendant of
Druzhkapol, and Dartmouth College students from
Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, constructed this fence
in memory of the Jewish community of Druzhkapol,
all of whom perished in the Holocaust. Their ancestors,
who lay buried here, will be remembered and their
history preserved for years to come.
В червні 2006 року Гарі Гершфілд, за походженням із
Дружкополя, і студенти
Дартмутского коледжу з Гановера, штат Нью-Гемпшир, США,
створили цю огорожу в памʼять про еврейсуьку громаду
Дружкополя, всі члени якої загинули від Холокосту. Їх
предків, які похоронені тут, будуть памʼятати, їх історія
буде збережена на довгі роки.
ביוני 2006, גארי גרשפילד, צעצע של קהילה דרוזקפול, ותלמידי דארטמות’ קולג’ מהנובר, ניו-המפשיר,
ארה”ב, בנו גדר זו לזכרון הקהילה היהודית של דרוזקפול, שכל חבריה נספו בשועה. אבותיהם, אשר נקברו
פה, יזכרו וההיסטוריה שלהם תשמר בשנים הבאור.
English (bottom left):
Dartmouth Hillel
Dickey Center
Debrah Charatan
Gary Gershfield
Steve Holme
Michael and Leslie Zubkoff
Jonathan and Lynn Norton
English (right bottom):
The Raucher Family
Temple B'nai Shalom – East Brunswick
Ross and Judy Ain
Victoria Fisher
Barry Robin
Arthur and Roberta Goldstein
Commissioned by
Gary Gershfield and students from Dartmouth College in the United States
sub-set tree:
According to the plaque, Gary Gershfield, the Jewish Native of Drużkopol (now Zhuravnyky), and students from Dartmouth College in the United States erected the fence in 2006. They also fenced the monument at the killing site in Zhuravnyky in the same year.