Obj. ID: 47770
  Funerary Art Jewish cemetery in Mizoch, Ukraine - Photos of 2019
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Mizoch, Ukraine
According to ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, the exact period of the cemetery’s establishment is unknown, but according to the dates on the preserved tombstones it can be assumed that the cemetery emerged in the mid 19th century. First it appears on Russian topographic map of 1880s and, later, on Polish map of 1939. According to the locals, the site was once used for cattle grazing, and that therefore the grass was not a problem at the time. Part of the cemetery site has been appropriated for agricultural use. The cemetery is surrounded by a 2 metre tall concrete wall with a metal gate installed in August 2015 by ESJF. Someone has built a small gate in the wall in order to enter the cemetery, a small section of which (on which no matzevot are located) they use as a private garden. There are about 100 gravestones.