Obj. ID: 47728
Memorials Memorial on the mass grave in Sernyky, Ukraine, 2000s
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
The monument is located on the mass grave. It is a rectangular plaque attached to a rough-worked stone. The plaque bears Hebrew and Ukrainian inscriptions. A small Menorah is carved on the plaque above the inscriptions.
В цьому місці загинули 800 євреїв
жителів Серник та околиць. Вони були
розстріляні німецькими фашистами
під час ІІ світової війни в 1942 р.
Translation: At this place, 800 Jews, residents of Sernyky and surroundings perished. They were shot by the German fascists during WWII in 1942
800 יהודים מבני הקהילה תושבי סרניק והסביבה אשר נרצחו
ע''י הנאצים הגרמנים ועוזריהם הי''ד ב כ''ז אלול תש''ב 9 בספטמבר 1942
נזכור את יקירתנו הורינו אחינו אחותינו הקדושים והטהורים
את הדורות הבאים
תהילת נצח לחיילים ולפרטיזנים היהודיים בני סרניק שנפלו במלחמה נגד האויב הנאצע
Translation: Here are buried 800 Jews, members of Sernyky community and surroundings, who were killed by German Nazis and their assistants, May God avenge their blood, on 27 Elul 5702, September 9, 1942. We will remember our dear. parents, brothers and sisters, holy and pure. / Future generations // Eternal glory to the Jewish soldiers and partisans, residents of Sernyky, who fell in the war against the Nazi enemy. // May their souls be bound in the bundle of life
sub-set tree:
During the liquidation of the ghetto in Sernyky on September 9, 1942, about 800 Jews were shot in the forest near the town [Tsal Kaplun Foundation].
In 1990, Professor Richard Wright with the participation of Ukrainian officials and soldiers excavated the mass grave within the Australian Nazi war crime investigation [Sydney Jewish Museum].
The monument was erected in the 2000s [Tsal Kaplun Foundation].
"Serniki: Jewish Cemetery,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u0940.html.
"Unearthing the Holocaust" Sydney Jewish Museum, https://artsandculture.google.com/story/owVRI4OEK1Sfog (accessed December 9, 2023)