Obj. ID: 47690
  Funerary Art Jewish cemetery in Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine
According to ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, the first evidences on this cemetery existence date back to the first half on 19th century. According to Russian Jewish Encyclopedia, the oldest tombstone on this cemetery dated to 1821. The tombstone of 1828 was found by ESJF team. The cemetery appears on the city plans from 1841. It is unknown, whether this cemetery was the first Jewish cemetery of Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, and where the Jewish cemetery of Akkerman of pre-Russian period was located. The cemetery is believed to be hardly damaged during WWII. It is operating today. It is cared for by the caretaker named Svitlana, who lives in a caretaker’s house on the cemetery’s territory. The cemetery is surrounded by a concrete fence of 1.6 metres in height. From the right side, the cemetery is surrounded by a 3 metres high wall. There are about 1,200 gravestones.
sub-set tree:
| On the crossroad of Portova street and Marshala Biriuzova street