Obj. ID: 46190
Memorials "Memento" Holocaust Memorial at the Old Synagogue in Lipník nad Bečvou, Czech Republic, 2010s(?)
To the main object: Synagogue in Lipník nad Bečvou, Czech Republic
Memorial Name
Who is Commemorated?
164 Jews of Lipnik killed in the Holocaust
The monument is set on a grassy rise between the road and the city wall, Behind the rough stone city wall can be seen the now white-plastered wall of the former synagogue, now a church. The sculptural monument consists of a rough-cut cubic stone pedestal supporting a metal sculpture shaped like a raised arm and outstretched hand.
On the pedestal is carved a smooth recced horizontal panel in which in inscribed in large letters “MEMENTO,” The sculpture is made of a flat base the rests on the pedestal, from which rise raised metal strips that for the shape of an arm, and join at the top to form the hand and fingers. On one of the metal strips (of the forearm) is inscribed the letter-number combination “AAs-766,” the number of one of the transports to the concentration camp of Terezin..
When photographed in 2022, was a wreath of shiny new barbed wire resting on the metal pedestal. This was not intended as part of the original design and may be a temporary “offering.”
Set to the side and set on the ground is a sign made of bent sheet metal into which are cut the words of a commemorative text.
On the stone base:
On the metal commemorative marker:
Lukáš Dvorský: MEMENTO
Památník obětem holocaustu,
AAs-766 je čislo jednoho z transportů,
kterým byli židovští obyvatelé
Lipníku nad Bečvou v červne 1942
deportováni do Terezína. Hitlerovská
zlovůle vyvraždila 164 lipenských Židů.
Translation: AAs-766 is the number of one of the transports of the Jewish inhabitants of Lipník nad Bečvou in June 1942, [who were] deported to Terezín. Hitler’s [forces] cruelly murdered 164 Jews from Lipnik.
sub-set tree:
H | Holocaust | Concentration camp | Barbed wire
H | Holocaust | Concentration camp | Number tatoo
stone (sandstone)
164 Lipnica Jews were deported to Terezín on two "transports" on June, 22 and 29, 1942.
"Jewish Monuments and Cemeteries," Tourist Information Centre in Lipník nad Bečvou, https://info.mesto-lipnik.cz/en/vismo/zobraz_dok.asp?id_org=200272&id_ktg=1006&archiv=0 (accessed December 26, 2022)
"Memento," lukasdvorsky.com, https://www.lukasdvorsky.com/memento (accessed December 26, 2022)