Obj. ID: 45473
Memorials Holocaust Memorial plaques in the New Jewish Cemetery in Rhodes, Greece, 1969
To the main object: New Jewish cemetery in Rhodes, Greece
Who is Commemorated?
The employees and directors of the Salomon Alhadef and Son Bank
Jacob Shalem Franco, President of the Rhodes Jewish Community at the time of the deportations
The family of Albert-Oretta Mergian
These four rectangular inscribed marble plaques are affixed to the inside of the front wall of the cemetery, just above the row of rabbi’s tombs next to the entrance building. The plaques contain memorial inscriptions written in French from different Rhodian families.
A la chere memoir des parents et directeurs de la maison et
la banque Salomon Alhadef fils Rhodes tous deportes et as-
assines dans les camps de concentration naziz d'allemagne
Alalouf Mouchon
Alhadeff Moussani
Codron Ruben
Ferrera Mouchon
Soriano Israel Regine
et sa fille Lina
hommage emu
de Victor et Reniulka Alhadeff
Rhodes 10 Octobre 1983
Translation: To the dear memory of the parents and directors of the house and the bank Salomon Alhadef and Son Rhodes, all deported and murdered in the Nazi concentration camps of Germany / [List of Names] / Tribute moved by Victor and Reniulka Alhadeff / Rhodes 10 October, 1983
A la chere memoir de tous les collaborateurs
et employes de la maison et la banque "Aalomon
Alhadeef Fils" Rhodes et aurtes fideles collabora
teurs dont les noms avec le terms nous echappent
tous deportes et assassines par les nazis dan les
camps de concentration allemande
hommage emu
de Victor & Reniulka Alhadeff
[List of seventy-one names]
Rhodes 10 Octobre 1983
Translation: In dear memory of all collaborators and employees of the “Salomon Alhadeff Sons” Rhodes and other faithful collaborators whose names with time escape us, all deported and murdered by the nazis in the German concentration camps / Tribute moved by Victor and Reniulka Alhadeff / [List of seventy-one names] / Rhodes 10 October 1983
A la memoir de
Jacob Shalem Franco
President de la communaute'
pendt de nombreuses
annees et au moment de la
deportation des Juifs
de Rhodes dont il partagea
le sort tragique il fut.
Aussi a Rhodes le pionnier
et l'animateur du sentiment
national Juif au mileu dune
jeunesse qu'il conquit a ses
idees et lui conserva
un attachement profond
La Communaute' Israelite
20 Aout 1969
Translation: In memory of Jacob Shalem Franco, President of the community during many years and at the time of deportation of Jews of Rhodes, in which he shared the tragic fate. He was also in Rhodes the pioneer and the animator of Jewish national feeling in the middle of the youth which he conquered with his ideas and preserved in him a deep attachment / The Israelite Community / August 20, 1969
A la memoire de notre veneree
mere et grands parents Elia
et Gioia Mergian deportes en
Allamagne par les nazis et
dont lurs souvenirs resteront
graves a jamais dans nos coeurs
Albert-Oretta Mergian
Translation: In memory of our venerated Mother and grandparents Elia and Gioia Mergian deported to Germany by the Nazis and whose memories will remain forever engraved in our hearts / Albert-Oretta Mergian / 1990
Commissioned by
Victor & Reniulka Alhadeff
The Jewish Community of Rhodes
Albert-Oretta Mergian
sub-set tree:
| St. leof Kallitheas 9 (between the catholic and the Muslim cemetery)
These are four individual memorial plaques put up at different times in the cemetery, but all in the same place. Based on a photo published in 2012, that shows only one inscription mounted on the wall and two others in position, it seems that these were moved here and installed sometime after 2012.