Obj. ID: 44946
  Memorials Memorial at the mass grave in Plebanivka, Ukraine, 1985
Memorial Name
Пам’ятне місце масових розстрілів мирних жителів (євреїв) під час Другої Світової війни
Translation: Memorial site of the mass shootings of civilians (Jews) during the Second World War
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Terebovlia Ghetto, who were murdered here
The monument is located on the mass killing site near the Plebanivka Village. It is a high concrete rectangular stele with a long opening in the middle. In the upper right corner of the stele, there is a Magen David. A black marble plaque with a Ukrainian, an English and a Hebrew inscription is attached to the left part of the stele. There is a Magen David at the top of the plaque and a Hanukkah lamp below the inscriptions. The similar decoration, the identical texts of inscriptions and even the same mistakes in English inscriptions ("Iews" instead of "Jews," "siede" instead of "site") on this memorial and the Memorial at the mass grave in the Christian cemetery in Pochaiv indicate that both monuments could be made by the same artist.
В памʼять про святих
мучеників - євреїв
жорстоко знищених
нацистськими вбивцями
і тут похованих
Translation: In the memory of the holy / martyrs - Jews / brutally exterminated / by Nazi murderers / and buried here
In the memory of the holy
martyrs Iews [Jews] that were
ruthlessly killed and
buried on this siede [site]
by the Nazi murderers
מקדם [מקום] הז [זה] הוא קבר אתים [אחים] של
הקדושים שנהרגו על
קידוש ה' על ידי הנאצים
ימה [ימח] שמם הי ינקם דמם
Translation: This place is a mass grave of / the martyrs who were killed for the sanctification of God at the hands of the Nazis / May their names be obliterated, May God avenge their blood.
Commissioned by
[To be determined]
sub-set tree: 
Square – 0,0035 ha
On April 7, 1943, the nazis brought about 1,100 Jews from Terebovlia Ghetto to a ditch near Plebanivka and shot them there. During the liquidation of the Terebovlia Ghetto at the beginning of June 1943, all remaining Jews were also killed in Plebanivka [Encyclopedia]. According to Tsal Kaplun Foundation, about 1,000 Jews were killed there on June 2–3, 1943.
The monument was erected in 1985. The Ternopil Regional Executive Committee included the monument to The List of Monuments of History of Local Significance by decision no. 250 on August 26, 1986 ["Ternopilska oblast"].
Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933-1945, ed. Martin Dean, vol. 2 (Bloomington: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2012), p. 844.
"Ternopilska oblast. Skhema planuvannia terytorii (prodovzhennia roboty). Okhorona nerukhomykh obiektiv kulturnoi spadshchyny", vol. 3 (Kyiv: Derzhavne pidpryiemstvo "Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi naukovo-doslidnyi instytut proiektuvannia mist "Dipromisto" imeni Y.M. Bilokonia", 2017), p. 245., https://architecture.te.gov.ua/media/uploads/сп__тернопільська_область_том_iiі.pdf (accessed April 25, 2023)