Obj. ID: 44798
  Memorials Holocaust memorial in the Beth David Memorial Gardens (Levitt Weinstein Jewish Funeral Home and Cemetery) in Hollywood, FL, USA, 1986
Memorial Name
The Phoenix Tree
Who/What is Commemorated?
Victims of the Holocaust, partisans, ghetto fighters, liberators, Righteous Among the Nations, and Holocaust survivors.
The memorial is a granite stele on a horizontal granite slab, situated at the end of a paved path.
Its front side has a design that includes flames around a tree with most trunks cut, but some still growing. An arm, with the Star of David in its background, reaches from the flames and bears a concentration camp number. Presumably, the tattoo number is that of the artist’s parent. The horizontal slab features a dedication to the Holocaust victims in Hebrew and English.
A metal plaque with a menorah at the foot of the slab gives the name of Sallie Kaye, a “second generation survivor” who died in Israel in 1976.
On the back side of the memorial, there are depictions of an open book with a quill, the Star of David, a dedication in English and a list of killing places.
On the back:
Honor and glory
to our
heroic defenders,
ghetto fighters, partisans,
soldiers and liberators
righteous gentiles,
and survivors.
On the back of the horizontal slab:
Auschwitz-Birkenau. Bergen-Belsen
Babi-Yar. Trblinka. Maidanek
Dachau. Chlmno. Sobibor. Ponar
Teresienstadt. Buchenwald. Mauthausen
Front side:
On the horizontal slab, in Hebrew:
יזכור אל השואה
Translation: Remember, God, the Shoah.
Remember the Holocaust
Its 6 000 000 martyred and heroes
The Phoenix Tree
On the plaque beneath the monument:
In blessed memory of
our unforgettable daughter & sister
Sallie Kaye
U.S.A. 1956 - Israel, 1976
Second generation survivor
"child of the Holocaust"
Commissioned by
sub-set tree: 
*Memorials | Memorial to Jewish soldiers of WWII
*Memorials | Memorial to the Holocaust (Shoah) victims | Memorial to Jewish resistance | Memorial to ghetto fighters
*Memorials | Memorial to the Holocaust (Shoah) victims | Memorial to survivors
*Memorials | Memorial to the Holocaust (Shoah) victims | Memorial to Jewish resistance | Memorial to Jewish partisans
*Memorials | Holocaust-related memorial | Gratitude Memorial | Memorial to liberators
*Memorials | Holocaust-related memorial | Gratitude Memorial | Memorial to rescuers | Memorial to “Righteous Among the Nations”
M | Magen David
T | Tree
T | Tree | Broken tree
I | Israel | Israel, emblem of
H | Holocaust | Concentration camp | Number tatoo
F | Fire
M | Menorah
F | Flower
A “second generation survivor” is buried at the memorial which appears to have been designed by her brother, Percy Peretz Kaye, and erected in 1986.