Obj. ID: 44750
Memorials New Holocaust Monument in the Jewish Cemetery in Klimavichy (Klimovichi), Belarus, 2018
To the main object: Jewish Cemetery in Klimovichi, Belarus
Memorial name:
No official name.
Who is Commemorated?
12 Jews of Klimavičy, killed in 1941 by the Nazis.
The monument is an upright stele of an irregular shape standing on a granite base that, in turn, stands on a high paved podium.
In the upper part of the stele, the menorah is depicted.
The monument bears three non-identical inscriptions: in Belarusian, Russian, and Hebrew. At the bottom of the monument, there is an additional inscription identifying the foundations that erected the monument.
The inscriptions are framed with long strips on their right and left sides.
The territory of the monument is surrounded by a fence.
In Belarusian:
Ахвярам нацызму.
Тут у 1941 г. былi расстраляныя
12 яўрэяў - жыхароў горада Клімавічы.
Вы назаўжды ў нашай памяці
Translation: To the victims of Nazism / Here in 1941 were shot to death / 12 Jews - residents of the town of Klimavičy. / You are forever in our memory.
In English:
To the victims of Nazism.
12 Jews from the town of Klimovichi
were murdered here in 1941
In Hebrew:
לזכרון קורבנות היהודים
מהעיירה קלימוביץ׳י הי׳׳ד
שנרצחו על ידי הנאצים
במקום הזה ב-1941
Translation: In memory of the Jewish victims / from the town of Klimovichi, may God avenge their blood / who were killed by the Nazis / at this site in 1941 / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life.
At the bottom of the monument, in English:
This memorial was erected through the efforts of
Belarusian Jewish Community, and thanks to
to the Simon Mark Lazarus Foundation, UK,
the Miles and Marilyn Kletter Family Foundation, USA,
the Warren and Beverly Geisler Family Foundation, USA.
Commissioned by
The Simon Mark Lazarus Foundation, the Miles and Marilyn Kletter Family Foundation, and the Warren and Beverly Geisler Family Foundation.
sub-set tree: ![](https://cja.huji.ac.il/pics/loading.gif)
Il'ya, Al'tman (ed.), Kholokost na territorii SSSR (Moskva: ROSSPEN, 2011), pp.424-425.
"Klimovichi" and "Murder story of Klimovichi Jews at the Klimovichi Jewish Cemetry,"
Untold Stories - Murder Sites of Jews in Occupied Territories of the USSR (Yad Vashem project), https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/untold-stories/community/14621666-Klimovichi, https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/untold-stories/killing-site/14626390-Klimovichi-Jewish-Cemetery.
Lazarus, Michael, "The Belarus Memorials Project: The Simon Mark Lazarus Foundation, The Miles and Marilyn Kletter Family Foundation, The Geisler Family Foundation," in: Killing Sites – Research and Remembrance (Berlin: Metropol, 2015), 205-207., https://www.academia.edu/11753495/Holocaust_Memorials_in_the_Belarusian_Culture_of_Remembrance (accessed January 16, 2024)
Smilovitskii, Leonid, "Po sledam evreiskikh kladbishch Belarusi: Klimovichi" Zhurnal-gazeta "Masterskaia," ed. Evgenii Berkovich., https://club.berkovich-zametki.com/?p=54622 (accessed January 22, 2024)