Obj. ID: 44420
Memorials WWII Memorial dedicated to Jewish soldiers in the Novo Leninskoe cemetery in Irkutsk, Russia
To the main object: Jewish section in the Novo-Leninskoe cemetery in Irkutsk, Russia
In 1977, the active members of the Jewish community unveiled a memorial dedicated to Jewish soldiers from Irkutsk who perished during WWII.
The marble obelisk is erected on a high base and is decorated with a relief of a kneeling soldier, modelled after the figures of kneeling soldiers in the Treptower Park memorial in Berlin. The inscription above the relief state in Russian:
Вечная слава
героям павшим
в боях за свободу
и независимтость
нашей родины
Translation: Eternal glory to heroes who perished in the battles for freedom and independence of our motherland
The base bears the inscription in Russian:
погибишим на фронтах
Великой Отечественной
войны 1941-1945
Translation: To fighters from Irkutsk, who perished in the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945
The central obelisk is surrounded by two walls with 144 names. The walls are inscribed
Никто не забыт. Ничто не забыто
Translation: 1941-1945. No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten (reference to a poem by Olga Bergolts)
The additional wall bears names added later.
The memorial underwent repairs in 2015.
It seems that the inscription on the back side of the marble obelisk citing the song by Igor Demarin devoted to WWII soldiers was added during this reconstruction.
sub-set tree:
S | Star | Star, five-pointed | Soviet five-pointed star
W | Wreath
F | Family | Mother
A.V. Aleksandrova, ed., Pamiatniki Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny na territorii goroda Irkutska (Irkutsk: TsBS, 2020), p. 75.
N. Ponomareva, Memorial’nye doski i pamiatniki, pamiatnye znaki, skul’ptury i obraztsy tekhniki g. Irkutska (Irkutsk: Ottisk, 2008), p. 138.