Obj. ID: 4420
  Sacred and Ritual Alms box, Brno (?), 1764
The cylindrical alms box is composed of a receptacle, a lid, and a handle. The front of the receptacle bears a cartouche-shaped clasp with a dedicatory inscription in square-filled letters that reads:
לגבאי צדקה
דק"ק מיזלב
Translation: Belongs to the sextons of charity of the holy community of Mislov".
A Star of David can be found under the inscription. The round lid bears an additional inscription on the rim which reads:
נעם ע"י ה' ואלף ירץ וה' דוד פריבטש וכמ"ר פטקי'
ב"ג ו'ש'ב'י'ה' ב'צ'ד'ק'ה' [=ישעיהו 1:72]
"נעשה ע"י )על ידי( וואלף אירץ וה' )הרב( דוד טריבטש וכמר פתחי' בג? ו'ש'ב'י'ה' ב'צ'ד'ק'ה' )ישעיהו 1:72("
Translation: Made by Wolf Ertz and Rabbi David Trebitsch and ?petach? and her converts with righteousness (Is. 1;27) =([5]524=(1764))".
In the center of the lid, there is a trapezoid unit for coins. An oval handle is attached to the back.