Obj. ID: 4182
  Sacred and Ritual Alms box, Vienna, 1838
The rectangular alms box is composed of a receptacle and a cover. The receptacle has a double stepped base leading into a narrow body with rounded shoulders. There is a dedicatory inscription in the center of the receptacle which reads in square filled letters:
"בשנת/זרעו לכם לצדקה [הושע 01:21] /לפ"ק [=לפרט קטן]"
Translation: "In the year:Sow to yourselves in righteousness (Hosea 10;12) [1838]".
The narrower sides of the receptacle bear inscriptions as well which read
: צד א': "הר"ר )הרב רבי( ישראל חיים ב"ה )בן הרב(יאקב ליב דייטש והר"ר )והרב רבי( וואלף ב"ה )בן הרב( נחום גלאזר" צד ב': "ע"י גבאים ה"ה הר"ר )הרב רבי(אברהם יצחק ב"ה )בן הרב(אהרן/ביהם הר"ר גומפל ב"ר )בן רב(ישראל פיסק"
Translation: Side A " The Rabbi Rabbi Israel Haim son of the Rabbi Yakkov Leib Deutch and The Rabbi Rabbi Nahum Glazer". Side B "By the sextons ?? the Rabbi Rabbi Abraham Issac son of the Rabbi Aaron ? the Rabbi Rabbi Gumpel son of Rabbi Israel Pisk".
The rectangular cover has a trapezoid unit in the center for the coins. The cover bears an additional inscription that reads:
"זה הקופה/שייך לגמ"ח [=לגמילות חסדים] דח"ק [=דחברה קדישא]/ונתחדש"
Translation: "This box belongs to the benevolent society of the burial society and was renewed". This is the beginning of the previous inscription on the center of the receptacle.