Obj. ID: 40789
Memorials Holocaust memorial in the yard of the Elementary school Pojišan in Split, Croatia, 2010
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
1,500,000 Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust.
The memorial is a reddish-whitish rock, to which is added a small fence for flowers made of small stones.
A dedicatory inscription is written with metal letters on the front side of the rock. The unveiling date and the name of the school appear on its left side.
na 1.500.000 djece
ubijene u Holokaustu
Neka njihov glas
nikad ne utihne
Translation: Memory of 1,500,000 children killed in the Holocaust. Let their voice never shut up
27. siječnja 2010
O.Š. Pojišan Split
Translation: January 27, 2010. Elementary school Pojišan Split
Commissioned by
Elementary school Pojišan Split
sub-set tree:
According to the inscription, the memorial was unveiled on Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2010.
Since then, there are annual school commemorative ceremonies at the memorial on Holocaust Remembrance Days.