Obj. ID: 40360
  Memorials Holocaust memorial in the Jewish cemetery in Daruvar, Croatia, late 1940s
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Daruvar, Croatia, photos of 2021
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust victims from Daruvar.
The monument stands in the middle of the Jewish cemetery. It is an upright concrete stele on a base made of unpolished stones. The stele is capped by a metal Magen David. A reddish marble plaque in installed in the middle of the stele and contains inscriptions on both sides.
On the front side, the is a dedication in Croatian and has a list of 88 names. The list of victims continues on the back side with 73 names. At its end, there is a Croatian inscription dedicated to 92 Jewish refugees from Austria and Germany, and the statement that the monument was erected by the survivors. It seems that the list of victims was compiled from the testimonies of survivors, since it often says "wife, son and daughter" without providing their given names.
On the front side:
Na spomen daruvarskim jevrejima
koji su poginuli u logorima 1941-45
[List of names]
Translation:Here are buried. In memory of the Daruvar Jews who died in the camps in 1941-45
On the back side
[List of names]
I 92 Jevrejskih izbjeglica
iz Austrije i Njemačke odvedeni
iz Daruvara u logore.
Translation: And 92 Jewish refugees from Austria and Germany were taken from Daruvar to the camps.
Spomenik podigli preživjeli Jevreji.
Translation: The monument was erected by surviving Jews
Commissioned by
Surviving Daruvar Jews