Obj. ID: 400
  Sacred and Ritual Torah finials (Georgia, late 19th century)
The tower-shaped Torah finial consists of a shaft, a body and an apex.
The cylindrical shaft is encircled by a ring at the bottom and tapers upward. The body has six facets which bear biblical phrases surmounted alternately by a crown or A Stars of David. Each facet is surmounted by a multifoile arch decorated with foliate motifs which also decoratete the bottom of each facet. The inscription in square filled letters on each facet begins with the following biblical verse:
פעמון זהב ורמון )שמות כ"ח:ל"ד(,
"A golden bell and a pomegranate" (Ex.28:34) (KJ).
The following inscriptions are taken from verses from the books of Deuteronomy and Psalms:
"וזאת התורה##אשר שם##משה לפני##בני ישראל )דברים ד: מד( תורה צוה## לנו משה## מורשה## קהלת יעקב )דברים לג:ד(
"And this is the Torah which Moses set before the Children of Israel" (Deut.4:44).
"Moses comanded us the Law as the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob" (Deut. 33:4).
כי שם יוי)ה'(##אקרא הבו##גדל לאלהינו)דברים לב:ג(##הכל תנו##עוז##לאלהים##ותנו כבוד##לתורה)תהילים סח:לג(.
"Because I will call on the name of the Lord, ascribe greatness to our God" (Deut.32:3)
"Ascribe ye strength unto God"(Ps.68:34).
"תורת יהוה##תמימה##משיבת##נפש##עדות יהוה##נאמנה##מחכימת##פתי פקודי יהוה##ישרים##משמחה לב##מצות יהוה##ברה מאירת##עינים )תהילים יט: ח-ט( יהוה##לעמו יתן##יהוה יברך##את עמו##בשלום )תהילים כט:יא(
"The Torah of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul, the testimony of the Lord is sure, Making the wise simple. The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart: the connansnent of the Lors is pure, enlightening the eyes." (Ps.19:8,9).
"The Lord will give (strenght) unto his people: the Lord bless his people with peace" (Ps. 29:11).
(ארחצ##בנקיון כפי##ואסבבה##את מזבחך##יהוה לשמע##בקול תודה##ולספר כל##נפלאותיך )תהילים כ"ו:ו,ז
I wash my hands in innocence: so I compass your altar O Lord: that I may sound the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all the wondrous works" (Ps. 26:6,7).
הרחמן הוה##יחזיר##עבודת##בית##המקדש##למ קומה##במהרה##בימינו
"May the merciful God quickly return the worship of the Temple to its place, in our days."
Six hangers with chains are attached to the upper rim of the body of the finial. The roof of the body is in the shape of a pyramid with six trapezoid facets following the six facetes of the body. Each facet bears different scenes: the city of Jerusalem; a seven-branched Menorah; the four species of Sukkot ; a crown and a Star^of^David; and an amphora with two olives (13194). The apex is in the shape of a Star^of^David within a flat floral frame which stems out of a double hemispherical base.