Obj. ID: 37599
Modern Jewish Art New Year Bezalel Plaque, Jerusalem, circa 1910
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
The Bezalel School was founded in 1906 to give expression in the field of art for the Zionist Movement and the creation of new styles and forms for the regeneration of the Jewish People. The founder and guiding spirit was a Rumanian sculptor by the name of Boris Schatz. He gave the inspiration for the enterprise and directed the school, made artistic decisions, raised money and worked still as an artist. This is one of his creations, a small carved stone panel of a shofar blower, within an elaborate hammered and repousee frame from brass. The theme of the shofar blower was one he had used before in larger dimensions. The stone is signed by him.
Inscription: Make a large Shofar blast for our freedom. Ba'al Toke'a.