Obj. ID: 37527
Comparative Material & Miscellaneous Medal, The Netherlands, 1836
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
Commemorative medals recalling events and memorializing individuals have been minted and cast regularly since the times of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Medals with a Jewish connection are a part of this history as well. Thousands of pieces exist from the time of their appearance over the last more than 500 years. Such objects appear in a large variety of shapes and materials even though the majority are circular and formed from bronze, brass, copper, pewter, and silver.
"Supreme Commission for Jewish Affairs", an institute that organized Dutch Jewry during the 19th century for many years and awarded both silver and bronze medals of this type to the young men who graduated the Dutch Jewish Seminary.
Holland, 1836.
Obverse: Wreath surrounded by the inscription "Koninklyke Besluiten van 8 Maart 1836 No. 23 en 29 April 1836 No. 84".
Reverse: bending tree, pillar with a Magen David base, Tablets of the Law, a lion holding an emblem, and more.
Inscription: "Toegewezen foor de Hoofd-Commissie tot de Zaken der Israëliten" and maker's mark.
Polak 22