Obj. ID: 36226
  Printed Books Maslul ha-Limud, Prague, 1847
This text was prepared by William Gross:
Literacy has always been a primary goal for Jews throughout the Diaspora. Even during he dark ages the knowledge of reading and writing was maintained. The study of the Holy texts was impossible without these skills and such study was the goal of every Jewish male. Education began at an early age. There are many books and single sheets in the Gross Family Collection that are testimony to the efforts made for teaching.
The German tongue served as a main language for many Jews in central Europe outside of Germany itself. Even though this book for the teaching of the Hebrew language was printed in Prague, it is printed in German in addition to the Hebrew. The book is illustrated with biblical scenes for the interest of the students and there are many charts for the teaching of the letters and words, including a table of Hebrew letters and their numerical equivalents.