Obj. ID: 3595
Sacred and Ritual Objects Torah case wrapper, Tunisia, after 1919
The rectangular Torah case wrapper is divided into a central vertical rectangle flanked by square panels.
The central panel is adorned with a dedication embroidered in Hebrew square linear letters, which reads:
"למנוחת/ מורינו הרב/ הגדול/ החה"ש/ (החכם השלם) ראב"ד (ראש בית דין)/ מקודש/ כמהר"ר/ (כבוד מורנו הרב רבי) יוסף ברבי/ ז"ל (זכרונו לברכה)."
Translation: (Dedicated) for the repose of our teacher the Great Rabbi, the faithful and the wise man, the head of the rabbinical court, our honourable teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Joseph (Yoseph) Berabi, of blessed memory.” (See: Remarks).
The side panels are decorated with a flower comprised of four rhomboid petals emerging from a central circle and pointing toward the corners. The petals and the circle enclose floral patterns. Various motifs such as a rose and a sunflower are embroidered between the petals.
All sections are framed by strips with open hands (hamsa), crescent (hilal), and flower motifs.
Twelve hooks for hanging the wrapper on the Torah case are attached to the upper edge.
Joseph Berabi was an important rabbi and scholar in Djerba and Tunis. As mentioned in the dedication, he was the head of the High Court on the island from the end of the 19th century, until his death in 1919. Berabi composed several books, among them Yaldei Yoseph (the Children of Joseph) a book dedicated to morals and comments on the Mishnah (1919), and the three-volume book named: Ben Porat Yoseph, printed in Djerba in 1924 after his death.
Berabi was also the teacher of the famous scholar R. Khalfon HaCohen.