Obj. ID: 35867
  Sacred and Ritual Kiddush cup, Afghanistan, 1933
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
The sanctification of the Shabbat and Holidays is connected with a blessing recited over wine or grape juice. While the wine can be drunk from any vessel, often special cups are created for the purpose. In most cases, regular cups are simply decorated or inscribed with names or blessings, rendering them exclusively for the Kiddush.
This wine cup for blessing is engraved on the concave side with an inscription and decorations. The decorations are in the Persian style, including a ring of 8 different life forms surrounding the center in which is depicted Magen David carrying the words Magen Tzion. This shallow bowl shape is characteristic of this area and of wine vessels, a number of which exist in collections around the world and which are almost all dated to the 1930's or a bit later.
Inscription: Yitzhak ben Morenu Moshe 'Amab Cohen.....(words in Persian) 5693 [1933]
Inside the Magen David: Magen Tzion
sub-set tree: 
F | Fish
B | Bird
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments
M | Magen David
D | Deer