Obj. ID: 3553
Sacred and Ritual Objects Torah Ark curtain
The purple and green parokhet is made of$$1?. The rectangular cloth is decorated with a woven-in geometric pattern. It has a central Star^of^David, which bears an inscription. It is surrounded by a frame which consists of circles. Some of them bear a dedicatory inscription. There are circles located inside the frame. The two upper ones bear a dedicatory inscription too. The dedicatory inscription is embroidered in full, yellow letters. It starts at the right corner, and reads:
קודש % להשם % תרומת בנים % ובנות ## לע"ינ )לעילוי נשמת( אמם ## נלב"ע )נפתר לבית עולמו( כ"ג % אדר א תש"א ## לע"נ אביהם ## נלב"ע )נפטר לבית עולמו( כ"ט אדר תש"ג
"Dedicated to % the Lord % a donation % of the sons ## and the daughters ## for the exaltation of the soul of (int.) their mother ## who passed away (int.) on the 23th ## of the first Adar (5)701=1941 for the exaltation of the soul of ## their father ## who passed away (int.) ## on 29th of Adar (5)703=1943"
On the circle inside the frame on the right the dedicatory inscription reads:
בנימין ## בן חכם אהרון ## כהן זצ'ל )זכר צדיק לברכה(
"Benjamin ## son of the wise Aharon ## Cohen the rightous of blessed memory"
On the circle inside the frame on the left the dedicatory inscription reads:
בחורה חנה ## בת חכם שמעון ## אסולין זצ'ל )זכר צדיק לברכה(
"The girl Hanah ## daughter of the wise Samson ## Asulin the rightous of blessed memory"
In the Star^of^David the inscripiton reads: תנצב'ה " May their soul be bound up in the bond of life"
At the bottom of the parokhet the inscription reads: רה )ראש הקהל( תשי"ב "The head of the congregation (5)712=1952"