Obj. ID: 35443
  Printed Books Orden de Las Oraciones, Amsterdam, 1772
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
Siddur according to Sephardic rite. Hebrew and Spanish translation on facing pages. Amsterdam, [1772]. Printed by the sons of the late Shlomo Proops. Two title pages, the first is engraved by A. Santcroos, with the title in Hebrew and in Spanish: "Prayers for each month according to Sephardic tradition…", "Orden de las oraciones…".
Even at this relatively late date in the history of the Sephardic community in Amsterdam, books were still published with Spanish translations of the prayers. But as opposed to many such earlier translations, this prayer book contains the Hebrew tests as well as the Spanish. The title page is a particularly aesthetic creation.
The Proops family was involved in the printing of Hebrew books in Amsterdam from the beginning of the 18th century. As the longest lasting such printing house in that city over generations, their publications spanned more than 150 years.
[2], 270 leaves.